Patrocinado por
Fundación Mutua Levante
Tel: 629217951
Children Comfort workshop. Non pharmacological measure to alleviate children pain.
Mª Jesús Vidoterra
Paediatric nurse

Organized by:Teaching Direction,Nursing Direction
Building Health Sciences.General Hospital Valencia

Thousands of patients experiment pain due to procedures with needles each year at our hospital. Caused by blood tests, intravenous access, vaccinations, inyections in all hospitalized patients, emergency departments, extrahospitalary laboratories and providers consultations.

Why do we have to treat acute pain? Because is a basic human right. Management of painful experiences, even at the beginning of life , alter the answers and behavior’s to another painful experiences that could occur along children life.

Health centers and hospitalization produce a change of known social environment by children as it avoids the routines affecting social context, games, and scholarship. Clinical environments could be unmotivating creating feelings of melancholy, sadness and frustrations.

In these workshops we try to aproach children pain from diferent perspectives and they are directed to health professionals.

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